poppy robinson
(United Kingdom)

Production, consumption, circulation: The city as a body and The city shadow. Exhibited at Patyolat, 2019.
Cities are organic, ever-changing fragments of the visions of architects and urban planners, stitched together. The collective memory of people make up the city. Urban ingredients renew and re-invent. The translation of a city, an archive, a narrative - through proto-objects: maps, blueprints, broadcasts. We bring the forgotten back to life.
Photos by János Szabó
Poppy Robinson works with painting, collage, creative writing, installation and moving image to render reflections on cities and their impacts on human narratives and histories. Creating fictional stories from archive material, she looks at counter-archives as a space of impermanence and play. Poppy takes fragments to form new narratives that reflect the forgotten histories of cities as well as present and future thoughts. Poppy holds an MA in illustration at Falmouth University, Cornwall, UK.