GabrielE GudaitytE

I spent a month around the Rakoczi Ter
Gabrielė’s practice during the residency period was heavily inspired by the location of her studio, which was next to Rákóczi Market. Her work is an intimate reflection of Gabriele’s view of the streets surrounding the studio: the people and dogs that walk past each day, the architecture, and the sounds of it all.
Listen to the sounds of the Rákóczi neighbourhood here
Gabrielė Gudaitytė is an award-winning printmaker and illustrator and recent residency graduate from the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Scotland. Her work is characterised by a strong storytelling bent and frequently celebrates the small absurdities of everyday life. Her series focusing on everyday life in Soviet Lithuania was recently exhibited at the international printmaking conference at the The China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou, China.