Autumn RESIDENTS 2019
Anna Teiche
(United States)

Legs, Eva, Marti, and Malaika. Exhibited at Patyolat, 2019.
These paintings are explorations of portraiture, questioning the concept of a holistic and stable personality. Through collage, each subject is reconfigured into new, alien, forms suggesting a body or bodies wrapped in textiles, but ultimately contradicting this notion. This perspective allows the viewer to observe a body without a returned gaze, never allowing for a full figure to be picked out and understood from the mass of tangled limbs and patterns.
Photos by János Szabó
Anna Teiche is an oil painter and fiber artist. She uses fabric and pattern to explore identity and belonging, manifested both individually and culturally. Mainly working in large-scale oil painting, Anna’s work centers around explorations of figures wrapped in fabrics and abstracted through vivid color, light, and pattern. She is a graduate of the BFA Art & Design program at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California. Anna’s residence was supported by Artist Trust and Arts & Humanities Bainbridge.